*Stories Naruto*

The Story

My Apologies Naruto Lovers my stories may not have the stuff you were wanting to look for but thatnks to the readers I beat Wikipediea in Results! when typing Naruto Shippuden thank you to my readers and the motivation with Storytellersrus!

Beggining Arc

The Second Arc of the fantastic Novel of Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto is tooken place after 2 1/2 While Naruto Uzumaki ( His first name is part of the word that is a ingredient in ramen, Narutomaki and last name is Uzumaki coming from his mother Kushina Uzumaki) He returns to Konohagakure propped up on a electric pole staring out and runs down to greet Sakura, with Jarayia Following behind. As he speaks Sakura punches him after a accidental insult as usual. They get called in to Konoha's leader, or Hokage Tsunade.

Story Arc One.

Deidara Heads to Sunagakure to collect the one tailed Biju of the sand Shukaku by capturing the Jinchuruki Host Gaara Of The Dessert.. He uses bombs to kill the bodyguards. He then gets to him they soon got to Gaara. and Naruto and Kakashi follow kakashis tries his new Sharingan the Mangeyko Sharingan he tries to kill him with it but he fails only to rip Deidara'a arm off with it. Sakura then meets Granny Chiyo. she is a old and very wise woman she is the grandma of Sasori, but Sakura really cares for her. When the battle starts. Sasori is in Akatsuki and fights them. Saskura's training with tsunade finally pays off she attacks with eath shattering attacks ( literally ) After Deidara and And after the battle Sasori is dead and they rescue Gaara. But he is dead cause the Akatasuki took his demon that which the effect is killing the host. Granny Chiyo attemtps to revive Gaara by sending her Chakra and Naruto helps and Gaara is Alive. But, Granny Chiyo is dead after that they go to the funeral and for the first time Gaara shakes hands with Naruto. Kakashi is being carried with Might Guy to the hospital in Konohagakure Team Gai was assined to head to the Akatsuki HQ and they met up at with Kisame and Itah Fighting Kisame and it was a fight with water jutsu and Taijutsu battle in the end Kisame is dead. and he was killed by Naruto's new Jutsu. Odama Rasengan Or Giant Rasengan. and they both ended out to be decoys while the real Itachi and Kisame are searching for the other Biju.

Story Arc Two

Sai and Yamato are introduced in it Sai a artistic ninja who annoys people in a calm way when they greet each other Sai says " So tell me are you a boy, or a girl? Naruto get angry but they get called to their mission. To get sasuke back. Quicly, they reach there lair and Sai disapears and they invade the lair. Sai confronts Sasuke he reveals his Sharingan and Sai feels a emotion. Fear. He finds The rest of the team. They find Orochimaru in front of then going to fight them when they get outside Kabuto and Orochimaru stand there wanting to fight them Naruto for the first time His Kyuubi breaks out into rage and becomes superior in stength over Orochimaru and he starts only to try to evade the the attacks to get away, he happens to get away by just a slip of his finger, Sai watches at the treetops and records all the event.

Story Arc Three

After that Zetsu, A Akatsuki, finds the body of Kisame and thinks that's him but looking like him but human. the fake one and Sasori to devour to leave no proof of there group.With Him Tobi becomes an Akatsuki by taking the ring of Sasori. At the Akatsuki HQ The leader is reaveled and her companion. Pain and Konan . They declared for Hidan and Kakuzu and Hidan to retreive the two tails I'm not sure of how the battle went. but coming back they meet Shikamaru's team to kill them its a battle with Naruto vs Kakuzu and Shikamaru vs Hidan. The two Akatsuki die in a very strange battle Hidan gets trapped under a bunch of rocks with a bombing.( Hidan doesn't die he actually is immortal ) and Kakuzu dies by beig tricked by a doppelganger then killed with a Rasengan. While the battle took place some Akatsuki went after the Four Tailed Demon. They got to beat it. Next Sasuke has been training with Orochimaru. Orochimaru's plan is to take the body of Sasuke, but once he does , He dies instead of Sasuke, and is absorbed.

Story Arc Four

Deidara Gets Even angrier at The Uchia's when Orochimaru died while Deidara wanted to kill him He Uses his C2 Dragon Which Shoots Smaller bombs but When His Dragon is destroyed he gets hisC3 Arsenal And He gets his common Bomb Bird to and When He uses his Lightning blade to shoot one of the wings off balance. He uses his Kisangani to make a foot holder in cause there were land mines inside the ground deidara gets stabbed through his chest by Sasuke when he is in his Secondrelease. He gets tricked with a Clay Doppelganger. and Deidara Creates His C4 Karura. Once it explodes Cellular size bombs explode when the enemy inhales them in a distance. Deidara puts his guard down and gets punched off his bird. He Uses almost the last of his clay and he takes off his shirt has a mouth in his chest and inserts the clay into his chest mouth. He detonates himself into a suicidal bomb. He Explodes and Sasuke gets badly damaged but escpaes and Tobi flees too.

Story Arc Five

Jairaya goes to Lady Tsunade to go to investigate a secret mission. He gets to a town and serves as a Bartender to investigate he finds these two ninja and gets them to say all he needs to know they get out then Jairaya meets the Akatsuki leader and her teamate Pain and Konan Pain turns his body into six different faces and Konan uses her paper jutsu. Jairaya summons the Two Honored Toad Sages to fight with. He luckily defeats one of the Pain's. He finds out that he trained the two ninjas when they were littler.He almost dies and then he writes a note on one of the sage toads and he dies.

Story Arc Six

Naruto finds the sage and his name is Lord Fukaku and is going to teach Naruto a new jutsu. Sage mode. The same one Jairaya used in the battle. He learns that he has to use nature around him to use it. But he Trains him in a test type Sage Mode. Sasuke attacks Itachi in a battle that he reveals his strongest move Sunano'O. It is a Spirit form monster that seems to wear a face crooked and its eyes are located behind the masks teeth. Itachi In the entire manga was prolonging his death by taking medication and He Starts coughing up blood and the chakra Sauske absorbs from Orochimaru Surfaced and the curse mark turns into one of Orochimaru's Special jutsu, Orochimaru's Eight-Headed Serpent the Susano'O, Immediately Destrpys seven of the heads and the final head regurgitates Orochimaru out of it. He Laughs and makes a couple remarks then the Susano'O Punches the sword into Orochimaru'schest and He doesnt feel any pain and doesnt even come close to dieing and he figures out the sword is the Totsuka Blade and he is absorbed into the balde and it is said to bring you into a drunken genjustu world of stupor like into the first book with Sakura,-- but Orochimaru's is for eternity. the Curse Mark is Stripped of Sasuke and he is out of chakra. He gets cornered and sasuke is trapped in a wall if the Taka Shield that deflects all things and is used to corner him. he walks up to him trtying to steal his eyes cause he has gone blind in one of his eyes due to Mangeygo Sharingan. He comes up and flicks his finger at him like he did when he was busy and Sasuke wanted to train with him. he actually inserts his Occular Powers into him and sets a Ameratsu into him later on. sasuke has no idea whart happened he thought that he died just right before he stole his eyes.

Story Arc Seven

Now the Leader of Akatsuki invades Konahagakure and first fights Kakashi he used a Chidori but Pain shot it back at him with his repel move. And then Choji and his dad help but Kakashi soon dies from the attacks.He starts looking for Naruto to get his Biju.Naruto is training with Lord Fukaksu about Pain and becoming a sage. Fukaksu nearly gives up because Naruto's Biju denies it from fusing with him to be in Sage Mode( = attack that pusehes your strength beyond your limit easily).Pain is annoyed of trying to find Naruto and uses ALMIGHTY PUSH to destroy Konoha Beyond repair and needs time to charge his energy to fight.

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