_*Stories Fairy Tail*_

Fairy Tail
In many ways children's literature and fairy tale stories are on odd pairing, children's books and especially picture books after all are supposed to be child friendly, where as many fairy tales, including many of the ones that can be found here are not exactly child friendly. It would seem that they should not be mixed then. However fairy tales are the bases for much of what we consider children's literature. The Grimm's fairy tale stories took off in poupularity becuase they where believed to be good tales for children to read. This perhaps occured for a number of reasons, and there as been much debate regarding the relationship of fairty tales and children. No one it seems has a clear or definative answer on why Fairy tales are so poupular. This said, I would like to offer up some small explination as to the possable reasons for the relationship between fairy tales and children's literature.
1-Fairy Tale stories are Fantastic Journies.
2-Fairy Tales are a passing of culture.
3-The most famous fairy tales where penned by people who's intention it was to bring about social and moral growth.
As for the first reason, fairy tale stories like children's books and picture books do not need to follow all of the basic rules which other stories follow. These stories are in many ways much more imaginative, require a greater willingness to suspend disbeleif (Varasamilitude) then other stories. It is this that draws these stories together, and it also this that makes them so facinating. On cannot help but love the wonderous way in which these stories function.
The second reason that of the fact that fairy tale stories have been passed on for generations has allowed them to whether intentionally or not, become a vessal for the passing of cultureal ideas, thoughts, and values. Like children's stories, fairy tales are means by which people insure the survivle of some part of their social thinking. 
The final reason much like the second again has to do with the passing on of moral values. Only in this case the passing on of such values was most definatly intentional. Fairy Tale stories in this case were written down by the Grimm's Brothers in order to help them not only presurve but help to inspire the German people. The fairy tales as it where are a means by which the Grimm's could help to pass on Protastent values, and social beliefs. Such beliefs are much the same as we still want our children to hold, so it is easy to see that with a few edits such stories could be made more then acceptable for todays children.

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